Superchat Night #2 Recap (1/2)
The Text Recap of the X Space, Superchat Night Ep. 2, Part 1

Title: Superchat Night #2 feat. Team SVL
When: November 7, 2024, 12 p.m. UTC
Where: SVL Twitter
Who: 👑Kate, 😈Lucas, 🤖KS, ️⚽️Hayden, 👼Joseph
👑Kate: We got rugged by Twitter; we lost the original link. Moderators, if you are currently here listening, could you please share the new link on Discord so that people can join from there as well?
Let’s start! Hello, welcome all Villains, welcome to the second episode of Superchat Night. This is Kate, moderating the show as usual, from South Korea. It’s already almost winter here, it’s really cold, and everybody’s having a runny nose, everybody is coughing but we’ll do our best today to fill this Space with information and entertainment.
A little bit about myself to those who are new here today, I’m BD and Head of Partnerships and your usual counterpart on social media in charge of most things community and external communications.
The first Space of this series we had the CoinMusme team invited over, today I invited my favorite coworkers to the Space to chat with me. I said invited but actually I forced them to join. Welcome my favorite people! Say hello to the audience!
😈🤖⚽️👼All: HELLO!
👑Kate: We’re all sitting in a tiny meeting room inside our office tonight for better communication, so even if we have everyone as a speaker here, they’ll keep being muted, unless anything happens, and we’ll be speaking from this account. They all have distinctly different voices so you’ll easily tell who’s speaking.
Let’s give a short introduction about yourselves! Well in Korea there’s this “Elders First” custom to respect the elderly so I’m gonna pay respect to the oldest person in this chat… Lucas!
😈Lucas: Good evening everyone, this is Lucas, co-founder and CEO of Supervillain Labs.
👑Kate: The next eldest one is KS. Welcome KS!
🤖KS: I’m the second eldest? Hello everyone, I’m KS, Tech Lead of Supervillain Labs.
👑Kate: And last but not least, Hayden. Many of you might have seen him around on Discord.
⚽️Hayden: Hi, nice to meet you. I’m the youngest, I’m Hayden, game designer of Supervillain Wanted.
👑Kate: I want to make things clear, I’m the youngest here.😝
It’s Hayden’s first time to talk in such a social event in English so let’s give him an applause to cheer him up!
We have one more speaker and co-host, the good old Joseph… I actually invited him today as my guardian angel tonight to back up stuff when I mess up, but I already messed up at the beginning…so, please introduce yourself again please?
👼Joseph: Hi everyone, my name is Joseph, Co-Founder and CEO of Supervillain Labs. Really happy to be the helper for this Superchat Night.
👑Kate: Thank you for being here, I feel so relieved to have you here in the chat. Tonight we are going to cover a few topics. I will give you just a brief introduction of what we’re going to cover tonight.
So first of all, I’m going to say something about the October Airdrop Campaign which just ended last week, and then we’re going to cover the next plans for the community event- presenting to you some alphas. And then we’ll go over to Supervillain Wanted, the game, and see what updates are coming up.
And then, at the end of everything we will reveal the final winners of the raffle, and also the keyword for the attendee event that is going to be tonight. Maybe you have already noticed, there was a tweet on our official Twitter that contains a Google form, and there you are supposed to enter a secret keyword that I’m going to say at the end of the Space that forces you to listen until the end.
So let’s go on to the October Airdrop Campaign highlights. It’s basically me speaking about what happened in October.
October Airdrop Campaign Highlights
👑Kate: This Space was planned as the finale of the Airdrop Incoming campaign, the October Airdrop Campaign. I’d like to use this opportunity to review the whole event, and also add some comments.
This campaign started early October, with an estimated budget of 15000 USD.
The reason why we started this campaign was actually, if you remember, we had the Sidekick Race Grand Prix behind it. You remember the Grand Prix where we rewarded the top 20 every week? There was some gap between what we imagined it to be and what it turned out to be.
Of course we had the needs of giving benefits to the early supporters of SVL, but we also wanted to lower the barrier for people to enjoy events, and also make more people, more new people to benefit from the events we are doing. So that’s why we started planning a massive Airdrop campaign for October.
I admit there were shortcomings and mistakes in this course, but I also very much appreciated the friendly feedback and help from our community members and of course our lovely moderators, who helped us make things better.
So we made a big plan of diverse user events and giveaways. Some of them had a good response, like the community events by JGG and Huka Bros, and others were running not so well but all this gave us clues for the next series of events.
And this becomes a bit personal but during the whole campaign I got a bit sick so I got pretty slowed down in everything. I apologize for all the delay that happened because of me, and the oversights in conducting events towards the end of the campaign. I will stay healthy until the end of this year so next events will be better.
And also meanwhile I got to think more about how difficult it is to spread information and be remembered. It’s pretty obvious now looking back in hindsight but it took me all this time to realize that users and the team are basically living in different dimensions and different timelines. We, as the team, are people who think about our project and work on it all day, whereas you as users and players, have many other things to do. You are busy, you have many other sources of information. We are competing against other information. To be competent, we need to make our message simpler, and also easier to access.
Even for today’s raffle, even though the event structure was announced beforehand, it was not easy to know that the AMA raffle tickets would be given on Server 3 only. So that made the people a bit confused and I apologize for that as well.
Next time we have such events, I’ll give more attention to keeping the message simpler and clearer. Now that we have the Community board on the SVL website — maybe you have noticed that I started to post things on the community board on, so it will be easier for everyone to get the necessary information. So it’s going to be the center of info that is easier to access than Discord or Twitter, because it doesn’t require you to log in, or it won’t disappear among thousand other posts on your timeline on Twitter.
Also there was a user feedback that the person cannot access Discord from their country and therefore cannot participate in the airdrop campaign. It’s difficult for us not to use Discord for the project community but we’ll also try to take those aspects into consideration and will strive to find the best way to increase engagement and participation.
As previously mentioned, the ticket raffle was not so successful to painfully admit, so I decided to improvise and use part of the prize pool for the attendees tonight! Maybe it’s even better for everyone! There’s going to be a quiz at the end of the Space tonight. So please keep listening until the end!
Okay so I kept speaking a lot. As previously mentioned, this was for October, now let’s go on to what’s going to happen next. Yes there is actually something we are working on at the moment for the next series of community events. It’s called…
What are the next plans for the Community? — Sidekick Crew Rivals
👑Kate: Sidekick Crew Rivals!
(artificial applause effect by 👼Joseph)
Thank you! For the first time ever we reveal this plan here in this Space.

This event will take place outside the game, on our SVL website. That’s why our Tech Team is in charge of it.
In case you are not familiar with what the Tech team is doing: they handle our website, they develop the Sidekicks, they do all the Web3 features, and so on. One of their recent achievements is the collaboration with Kana Labs, which many of you might already have experienced — in your Inboxes, receiving your rewards.
Tonight we have KS over here; you might have seen him on Medium articles, sharing some hopefully interesting tech stuff. That has been a bit formal. But today you will meet the real gangster developer KS. So let’s listen to him speaking. Welcome, KS!
🤖KS: Hi, again! This is KS from Supervillain Labs. I lead Web3 related Product and Technology initiatives here. This is my first Twitter Space and I’m really excited to connect with all of you today! I’m looking forward to discussing our plans for the upcoming month. Feel free to join the conversation and let’s have fun!
👑Kate: Yaaay
🤖KS: Yaaay
👑Kate: So let’s talk about the Sidekick Crew Rivals! The name sounds pretty promising. Could you please tell us more about the Sidekick Crew Rivals?
🤖KS: So literally, this is a Sidekick Race, but is is not the simple race you run alone. So you’re racing as a Crew, not as an individual like in the regular Supervillain Wanted game.
So here’s how it works — you’ll create your Squad using the Sidekicks you own, and then you can join a Crew during a 2-week, we call that period the Crew Formation period.
👑Kate: An individual user forms a Squad using their Sidekicks, multiple Squads then form a Crew, and ultimately it’s a competition among Crews. The scale just keeps getting bigger…
🤖KS: Yes it is, Think of Crews like the Houses in Harry Potter — you know, Gryffindor, Slytherin and all that. We’ve already set up some Crews that you can join with your Squad.
👑Kate: Yeah I think you are already familiar with Harry Potter, and how the students go to these different Houses, Ravenclaw and all these. So mentioning Houses of Hogwarts. Will we be having a Sorting Hat that tells you which Crew to join?
🤖KS: Unfortunately at this time no, no Sorting Hat! Haha. It’s totally up to you — you get to check out each Crew and decide which one you want to join.
And to help you make that choice, we’ve got this cool feature: There will be a button, you click that button named Crew Analysis, you can actually see how well you might perform in each Crew. It shows you potential rankings and expected rewards based on your Squad. Pretty simple, right?
👑Kate: Yeah it sounds pretty simple. So we don’t have a Sorting Hat, but we will have — it’s like we don’t have magic because we are Muggles but then we have the technology here with the Tech team, they will analyze your power for you, and see which in which Crew you will be getting the most rewards. That’s what you do during the Formation Period. Sounds interesting!
So you just explained about the Crew Analysis. Then what do we do during the Formation period besides that? Do we just do Crew Analysis every day or is there something for us to do during that period?
🤖KS: Of course there is something you can do. Two weeks may seem a little bit long, but let me explain the 2-week Crew Formation period — so it’s really about two main things: first one is powering up your Squad, that one is very important, and also finding your perfect Crew fit. The second one is also important.
Here’s what you can do during this time: Every day, you can join the Daily Race to win these special items called Sidekick Boosters. They’re basically power-ups that make your Squad faster. Quick tip for those aiming for the top — you’ll want to be smart about collecting and using these Boosters on your Squad.
The second thing is about choosing your Crew — this is actually pretty important because it affects your final rewards. Your rewards depend on two things: how strong your entire Crew is, and where you rank within that Crew.
So what should you focus on during these two weeks? First, make sure you’re running in those Daily Races to get your Boosters. So the Boosters are very important items to make your Sidekicks powerful. And while you’re doing that, keep an eye on different Crews. The Daily Race results will give you a good idea of where you might rank in your current Crew. And if you feel like your current Crew isn’t the best fit, no worries! You can switch to a different one during this Formation period.
👑Kate: So you must be running in Daily Races to get your Booster items -
🤖KS: I recommend.
👑Kate: Yeah. You collect your Booster items and you will make your Sidekicks strong, they will kind of elevate your status within the Crew, they will give you a better reward in the Crew; so the two weeks will be spent running in Daily Races and also analyzing different Crews, maximizing your expected yields. That’s pretty like… I don’t know(haha) I’m really not good at those things. But as KS said, you can always switch to a different Crew during the Formation period. When the Formation Period is over, you cannot switch anymore. So you’ll have to make full use of that Formation period.
OK so, it’s based on where you are ranked within the Crew so you need to decide whether you want to be the dragon’s tail or the chicken’s head.
🤖KS: Exactly! Being a smaller fish in a big pond or a big fish in a smaller pond — I would rather choose the latter one. That’s the key decision here. And yes, once the Formation Period wraps up, we’ll have the Grand Race. We’re planning to live stream it, which should be pretty exciting! I think Kate, you’ll be hosting the stream, right?
👑Kate: Ah yes, seems like it’s going to be me again who will livestream, as usual. I heard it’s going to be around mid-December. I will get prepared for that stream as well.
So in summary, the Formation Period is very very very important. You need to be strategic in this. However, it’s still a Sidekick Race, and it means you need to own Sidekicks in order to participate. Wouldn’t this make it hard for the broader community to take part in?
🤖KS: So there is some good news — we’re holding Sidekick Crew Rivals on our website to make sure everyone can join easily.
And the other thing — you don’t even need to own Sidekick NFTs to participate.
👑Kate: Really?
🤖KS: Yeah, really! You can race with Baby Sidekicks which are provided for free. But now, sure, higher grade Sidekicks will give you better results, of course, but don’t worry if you’re starting with Baby Sidekicks, because you can still win Sidekick Capsules depending on which Crew you join. Just keep an eye on how things develop and choose your Crew smart!
👑Kate: Oh so even if you don’t have Sidekick NFTs you could get Sidekick Capsules by participating, and then you can have your own Sidekick NFTs! Okay! I can’t wait to know more about the details.
🤖KS: Yeah, as you said, you can earn Sidekick Capsules during the event and get your Sidekick NFTs. Then next time you can participate in the Sidekick Crew Rivals with your Sidekick NFTs.
As for all the details about Sidekick abilities and race rewards — please stay tuned, we’ll be sharing those very soon!
👑Kate: Thank you for all the explanation! I think Lucas as our CEO must have some comments to add to this. Why are we going to do this as our next community event?
😈Lucas: We have designed this Sidekick Crew Rivals because we see there are two main issues with individual competitive content.
First, if players with many Legendary Sidekicks frequently lose to those with common Sidekicks, it devalues the worth of Legendaries. When victory is determined more by understanding game mechanics or luck, players lose motivation to invest in Legendary Sidekicks.
Second, on the contrary, if those with Legendaries always win, then new players or those without Legendaries have no incentive to participate in competitive content.
To address this, we’re redesigning Sidekick Races into a team-based competition. Anyone can participate, even without Sidekicks. There will be four Crews: let’s name them Red, Blue, Black, and White. Members of Supervillain Labs can choose a Crew to join. Players will earn buff items through Daily race, which will boost their Crew’s performance in the Grand race results.
👑Kate: Thank you for the explanation. As I said, we were thinking of our previous Sidekick Race Grand Prix that in the individual competition, it wasn’t working the way we imagined it to be. So we were thinking hard to solve this problem and we thought there must be some issues with individual competitive content itself. As Lucas said, we have to balance between the value of Legendary Sidekicks but also make it easier for everyone to participate and give them motivation to participate.
That’s why we wanted to redesign the Sidekick Race to a team based competition we call it the Crew Rivals. It’s going to be a massive competition and you can make friends or foes in this community — I’m pretty much looking forward to it.
So — if anybody can participate, as Lucas said, how many will be actually running in the race? We can’t probably let ten thousand Sidekicks run at the same time, Joseph.
👼Joseph: In the final Grand race, the top 20 players from each Crew are automatically selected based on their Sidekick value score. The system automatically updates to show if new Crew members make it into the top 20. Prize distribution is structured to encourage high-level players to spread evenly across the four Crews.
For example, the first-place reward on the second-place Crew is greater than the second-place reward on the first-place Crew. Each player will be able to preview the potential rewards when selecting a Crew, and that is the reason why you have to choose between the tail and head- simulating the expected reward amount.
A two-week Crew formation period will allow players to freely choose their Crew while viewing their expected rewards. After this, the final showdown will follow, which will be livestreamed by Kate.
👑Kate: I heard that the sound is a bit laggy, so just to wrap up what Joseph was saying, the top 20 Squads from each Crew will be automatically selected, the strongest in the Crew will be the actual ones running, but everyone who joined the crew can contribute to the overall power of the Crew, so we won’t let 10,000 Sidekicks run at the same time, but we will still give everyone the ‘weight’ of participating in a crew and make everyone a very important player of your Crew. Your squad will be a valuable resources for each Crew.
And he also said that the first-place reward on the second-place Crew is greater than the second-place reward on the first-place Crew. So as KS said, which pond do you wanna get in(haha) and do you wanna be the head or the tail — so you have to decide, do you want to win with a high probability but have less rewards, or do you want to get the risk of losing but maybe yielding a better portion of the rewards.
So you have to be smart in this.